Website construction, every webmaster in try our best to do perfect, were actually do the perfection of the user experience. In the construction of website every detail is worth studying. In the establishment of the process often feel if that to do so would better, if it was another effects may better ideas, and so on. So in the shang pin China SEO website construction in the trade in, we can have a place that involve? The Chinese website construction is product SEO and everyone together to analyze a bottom:
网站建设完成之后,对网站的流量这块相信很多的站长都是不怎么满意的,在网站的流量不大的时候,就要找出根本原因,寻找问题,想出办法。当然,如果选择软件刷流量、买流量的方式去进行,只是为了能够卖出一二个广告位,多几块联盟收入,对网站并无实质性的帮助,这样的方式个人感觉得不偿失 。可以学网站优化,尽可能多的从搜索引擎那里获取流量;可以去写博客尽可能吸引对网站感兴趣的网友;可以去交换链接,尽可能与其他网站做流量互补。很多可行有效的方式,只要能领悟,够努力,就不用担心没有流量。
The first: in the website construction is completed, the flow of the website of people believe that a lot of this is not how satisfied, in web traffic not big time, will find out root cause, looking for problems, find a way. Of course, if choose the software to brush flow, the flow of way to buy, but in order to be able to sell YiErGe advertising a, a few more piece of league income on web site and no substantial help, of the way people feel the loss outweights the gain. Can learn website optimization, as much as possible from the search engines get flow; Can to write my blog attract as much as possible of the website are interested in net friend; Can go to exchange links, as far as possible, with other web sites for flow rate complementary. Many feasible and effective way, so long as can comprehend, work hard enough, will not have to worry about not flow.
The second: always the web page open fast enough satisfied, in conditions, as far as possible to gradually improve the web server, communication bandwidth. If do not have a condition of the beginning of foundation, can only rely on technology and time to perfect. That we need to do is to try to reduce the page loading bytes, concise page code, combined with the background picture, merger Js script, Gzip compression. Must be fine to every line of code and each image.
第三:对于一个网站的内容,总是会想着网站内容不是很充实,不是很丰富,网站的内容就是网站的灵魂所在,当然,也是吸引用户浏览的好途径。好的网站内容应该是精而专,并非大而全。每天为网站的主题添一块砖,随着时间的累积,我坚信你的网站将会做的有声有色。你可能会说,不会组织内容,不会写资料,也不会这不会那的 。只能搞搞采集,写写伪原创。不会可以去学,如果连学习的勇气都没有,那又何必选择把网站做下去呢?永远不要认为拾人牙慧都能成功。好的网站内容,应该要融进网站创办者对所在行业的深刻理解和感情认同。
Third: for a site content, always thinking about web content is not substantial, not very rich, the content of the website is the soul of the website is, of course, is the best way to attract users browse. Good website content should be fine and specially, is not perfect. The theme of the day to day web site added a brick, with the accumulation of time, I firmly believe that your site will do a sound and color. You might say, not organizing content, can't write material, also won't this would not be that. Since only collection, write a pseudo original. Won't can go to learn, if even the courage of learning all have no, that why choose the web site do it? Don't ever think SheRenYaHui can be successful. Good website content, should want to melt into web site founder in industry to the deep understanding and emotional identification.