



Website optimization of the two ambiguous concept, be confused. "SEO is the site optimization" in the narrow sense is the method correctly.
"The website optimization is also called SEO" argument is always very misleading, led to hundreds of millions of Internet of website optimization and SEO
SEO is dependent on the search engine, is the network time product development; conceptual web site optimization is focused on "site construction", nature is perfect, the site improvement, let visitors satisfaction. Website optimization is independent of the search engine and survival, it initially not directly responsible for the network, but not in the pursuit of search engine ranking as the ultimate goal, but the customer satisfaction, which is now the customer experience.
In fact, no search engine, no SEO; but no search engine, even without the Internet, website optimization is also still exists. Before the search engine, website optimization is completely independent, which is the core of the construction of high quality site, and accompanied by the expansion of the development of the Internet and the web itself and deepening the optimization. Until the search engine appears, website optimization only gradually to the search engine's development direction, and accompanied by the search engine has become an important tool for people to browse the Internet information, website optimization website promotion and gradually become the basis of network marketing, and directly responsible for SEO. Therefore, it is accompanied by SEO search engine technology appearing, as SEO is a new technology derived from the website optimization.
一个事物的真正面目被越来越多的人所误解所模糊,那么人们还能看到它真正的面目吗? 不能!故SEO需要创新,必须首先要推翻之前的“陈规陋习”,附上时代赋予SEO的独特性征,并在理论上不断趋向完善。
The true face of a thing by more and more people misunderstand the fuzzy, so people can see its true colors? No! So SEO needs to innovate, must overturn "outdated customs and bad habits", with unique characteristics of SEO times, and in theory perfected.
Therefore, SEO is not the website optimization, website optimization more than SEO!
