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carry forward the spirit of the times to promote ideological and political work to a new level - zhiguorades in the people's bank of kazakhstan charged to the ideological and political work experience exchange meeting speecheffect, improving cross-discussion, raise the level of leadership and political theory to solve practical problems. second, the staff of cadres of political theory and professional training, theoretical perspectives and knowledge to really understand the business, good grasp on the efforts, according to therade's wind, training staff dedication and selfless dedication, creating a style of working, professional, disciplined cadres and workers. third, further study and implementation of therades important ideological contest of knowledge fourth is to strengthen knowledge and learning the wto, actively participate in the financial workmittee,ralph lauren traditional food business growth mode, publicity department of the organization, firm belief in the challenge. for all units and departments of learning, partymittees and departments responsible for organizing the inspection and evaluation to check the results recorded were double first appraisal and typically, image building activities, and vigorously promote and carry forward the three types of advanced models: one-fifth session of the sixth plenary study, the typical work style; second is to learn, the typical service. so far science has an example of cadres and workers, nearly a typical school, the formation of advanced learning,abercrombie polos, promote healthy, good atmosphere. units, departments should establish their own side of the advanced models, such as the typical self-taught reading carefully, do the typical ideological and political work, the typical financial supervision,abercrombie polos, the typical service, etc., for the good of workers who could shine, praise, promote their deeds, and called on cadres and workers to learn from them, in order to mobilize and inspire the enthusiasm of employees to form a ratio, school, time, help, super-good atmosphere. fourth, the ideological and political work forms, methods, and constantly enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political work because of social development and the changing times, there have been many new situations , new characteristics and requirements of our ideological and political work, to actively explore the ideological and political work of the new method to distinguish between different objects, flexible and effective approach to boost the effect of ideological and political work in the real work should pay attention to two principles: first, to respect, understanding, caring person. do understand people's minds, warm their hearts, popular work. the second is to be good at encouraging, guiding and clear, with equal status and reasoning for the ideological and political attitudes work initiative. methods can be taken to establish the ideological and political work conversation system, ideological and political work from time to time special conversation; book club can establish methods to guide workers to establish a positive life attitude; can be taken to establish the ideological and political work sites, bases and other forms of ideological and political work to attract the attention of workers, and workers understand the department's state of mind, the main problems of the hot issues of concern to the masses, as long as things do get, we should seriously give the solution. fifth, canada dogs on the ideological and political work of the research efforts to further improve the quality of political cadres of political theory. good job with the central bank under the new situation characterized by ideological and political work of theoretical research, and actively explore ways to strengthen and improve ideological and political work in new ways to explore the ideological and political work organic integration of operations with new methods, new ideas can be taken to in-depth primary research, ideological and political work experience exchange,abercrombie polos, training, ideological and political work, going out to learn from other brothers and advanced line of ideological and political work experience in the road,abercrombie polos, and gradually improve ideological and political work of those qualities and ability to work of political theory, the ideological and political work to do, do rich kazakhstan branched to form a characteristic of the new ideological and political work experience..rades, ideological and political work is no easy task, especially in a market economy conditions and the deepening of financial reform situation, the ideological and political work is even more difficult. hope to emancipate the mind, increase confidence, really good grasp of the ideological and political work, in order to ensure and promote the harbin branch of the central tasks of done to make greater contributions to practical action to meet the victory of the party's national congress held! editor: ding fu



