成都创新互联公司一直秉承“诚信做人,踏实做事”的原则,不欺瞒客户,是我们最起码的底线! 以服务为基础,以质量求生存,以技术求发展,成交一个客户多一个朋友!为您提供成都网站制作、成都做网站、外贸营销网站建设、成都网页设计、成都微信小程序、成都网站开发、成都网站制作、成都软件开发、app软件定制开发是成都本地专业的网站建设和网站设计公司,等你一起来见证!具体如下:
#!/bin/sh # 功能: 删除文件中含"指定内容"的行 # 运行方式: ./dline.sh c.log ==> 产生输出文件: c.log0 array=( "rm -f lvr_3531_pf_new" "arm-hisiv100-linux-gcc " "In function " "excess elements in array initializer" "warning: multi-line comment" "embedded '\\0' in format" "__NR_SYSCALL_BASE" "this is the location of the previous definition" "dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules" "differ in signedness" "but argument is of type" "implicit declaration of" ) if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0" exit fi file="$1"0 cp -f $1 $file function deleteLine() { sed "/$1/d" $file > tmp mv -f tmp $file } wc -l $file for line in "${array[@]}" do if [ ${#line} -gt 0 ] && [ ${line:0:1} != "#" ]; then deleteLine "$line" fi done wc -l $file
[feng@bash #69]$./dline.sh c.log 556 c.log0 63 c.log0 [feng@bash #70]$