





spawn后 send 最后都追加一个回车符\r。因为这是程序之间的交互,用的是回车。



expect "hi\n"
send "hello there!\n"

I typed the string hi and then pressed return. My input matched the pattern " hi\n ". Ideally, a return would be matched with " \r "; however, the UNIX terminal driver translates a return to " \n ".2 As you will see later on, it is rarely necessary to have to worry about this mapping because most of Expect's interactions occur with programs not users, and programs do not "press return". Nonetheless, it is occasionally useful to expect input from people.Plus, it is much easier to experiment with Expect this way.

我输入的字符串hi,然后按下回车。我的输入匹配模式“hi\n”。理想情况下,回车与“\r”相匹配; 然而,UNIX终端驱动将回车转换成"\n"。正如你将在后面看到,很少需要担心这个映射,因为大部分Expect的交互发生在程序中而不是用户侧,程序并不”按回车“。尽管如此,在期望从用户输入时这偶尔是有用的,另外,这是很容易使用Expect进行实验。

expect "Name"
send "anonymous\r"
expect "Password:"
send "\r"
expect "ftp> "

It is a common mistake to terminate send commands to a process followed by \n . In this context, \n denotes a linefeed character. You do not interactively end lines with a linefeed. So Expect must not either. Use " \r ".


Contrast this to what I was doing earlier -- sending to a user, or rather, standard output. Such strings were indeed terminated with a \n . In that context, the \n denotes a newline. Because standard output goes to a terminal, the terminal driver translates this to a carriage-return linefeed sequence.
Similarly, when reading lines from a program that would normally appear on a terminal, you will see the carriage-return linefeed sequence. This is represented as \r\n in an expect pattern.

将这个和我之前做的相对比 - 发送给用户,或者更确切地说,标准输出。这样的字符串确实是使用\n来终止的。在这种情况下,\n表示新的行。由于标准输出到终端,终端驱动将其转换成回车换行序列。


This may seem confusing at first, but it is inherent in the way UNIX does terminal I/O and in the representation of characters and newlines in strings. The representation used by Tcl and Expect is common to the C language and most of the UNIX utilities. I will have more to say on the subject of newlines and carriage returns in .


