




  1. 设置NLS环境变量

    alter session set NLS_SORT = 'BINARY_CI';

  2. 使用UPPER和LOWER函数

    用UPPER函数和LOWER函数把要比较的字段名、文字都转换成大写或者小写后再比较。这种方法的不足之处在于,使用函数后,标准的索引就不能再使用了,优化器无法正常工作,应对的方式是使用基于功能的索引(function-based index)。


 alter session set NLS_COMP = 'LINGUISTIC';


  NLS_SORT specifies the collating sequence for ORDER BY queries.

  • If the value is BINARY, then the collating sequence for ORDER BY queries is based on the numeric value of

    characters (a binary sort that requires less system overhead).

  • If the value is a named linguistic sort, sorting is based on the order of the defined linguistic sort. Most (but not

    all) languages supported by the NLS_LANGUAGE parameter also support a linguistic sort with the same name.

  • Setting NLS_SORT to anything other than BINARY causes a sort to use a full table scan, regardless of the path

    chosen by the optimizer. BINARY is the exception because indexes are built according to a binary order of keys.

    Thus the optimizer can use an index to satisfy the ORDER BY clause when NLS_SORT is set to BINARY. If

    NLS_SORT is set to any linguistic sort, the optimizer must include a full table scan and a full sort in the

    execution plan.

  • You must use the NLS_SORT operator with comparison operations if you want the linguistic sort behavior.


NLS_COMP specifies the collation behavior of the database session.



          Normally, comparisons in the WHERE clause and in PL/SQL blocks is binary unless you specify the NLSSORT             function.


          Comparisons for all SQL operations in the WHERE clause and in PL/SQL blocks should use the linguistic sort             specified in the NLS_SORT parameter. To improve the performance, you can also define a linguistic index on            the column for which you want linguistic comparisons.

  • ANSI

          A setting of ANSI is for backwards compatibility; in general, you should set NLS_COMP to LINGUISTIC.

    根据标红的部分,要提高性能可以在需要比较的列上建立一个linguistic index。若想使NLS_COMP参数值为LINGUISTIC生效,需要设置NLS_SORT为LINGUISTIC 排序。

