import numpy as np import pygame import sys import traceback import copy from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() #颜色 background=(201,202,187) checkerboard=(80,80,80) button=(52,53,44) #音乐 play_chess_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("music/play_chess.wav") play_chess_sound.set_volume(0.2) button_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("music/button.wav") button_sound.set_volume(0.2) victor_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("music/victory.wav") victor_sound.set_volume(0.2) #绘制棋盘 def Draw_a_chessboard(screen): #填充背景色 screen.fill(background) Background=pygame.image.load("background.jpg").convert_alpha() screen.blit(Background,(0,0)) #画棋盘 for i in range(21): pygame.draw.line(screen, checkerboard, (40*i+3, 3), (40*i+3, 803)) pygame.draw.line(screen, checkerboard, (3, 40*i+3), (803, 40*i+3)) #画边线 pygame.draw.line(screen, checkerboard, (3, 3), (803, 3),5) pygame.draw.line(screen, checkerboard, (3, 3), (3, 803),5) pygame.draw.line(screen, checkerboard, (803, 3), (803, 803),5) pygame.draw.line(screen, checkerboard, (3, 803), (803, 803),5) #画定位点 pygame.draw.circle(screen, checkerboard, (163, 163), 6) pygame.draw.circle(screen, checkerboard, (163, 643), 6) pygame.draw.circle(screen, checkerboard, (643, 163), 6) pygame.draw.circle(screen, checkerboard, (643, 643), 6) pygame.draw.circle(screen, checkerboard, (403, 403), 6) #画‘悔棋'‘重新开始'跟‘退出'按钮 pygame.draw.rect(screen,button,[900,350,120,100],5) pygame.draw.rect(screen,button,[900,500,200,100],5) pygame.draw.rect(screen,button,[900,650,200,100],5) s_font=pygame.font.Font('font.ttf',40) text1=s_font.render("悔棋",True,button) text2=s_font.render("重新开始",True,button) text3=s_font.render("退出游戏",True,button) screen.blit(text1,(920,370)) screen.blit(text2,(920,520)) screen.blit(text3,(920,670)) #绘制棋子(横坐标,纵坐标,屏幕,棋子颜色(1代表黑,2代表白)) def Draw_a_chessman(x,y,screen,color): if color==1: Black_chess=pygame.image.load("Black_chess.png").convert_alpha() screen.blit(Black_chess,(40*x+3-15,40*y+3-15)) if color==2: White_chess=pygame.image.load("White_chess.png").convert_alpha() screen.blit(White_chess,(40*x+3-15,40*y+3-15)) #绘制带有棋子的棋盘 def Draw_a_chessboard_with_chessman(map,screen): screen.fill(background) Draw_a_chessboard(screen) for i in range(24): for j in range(24): Draw_a_chessman(i+1,j+1,screen,map[i][j]) #定义存储棋盘的列表, #列表为24列24行是因为判断是否胜利函数里的索引会超出19 #列表大一点不会对游戏有什么影响 map=[] for i in range(24): map.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) #清零map列表 def clear(): global map for i in range(24): for j in range(24): map[i][j]=0 #判断是否胜利 def win(i, j): k = map[i][j] p=[] for a in range(20): p.append(0) for i3 in range(i-4,i+5): for j3 in range(j-4,j+5): if (map[i3][j3] == k and i3 - i == j3 - j and i3 <= i and j3 <= j): p[0]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j3 == j and i3 <= i and j3 <= j): p[1]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i3 == i and i3 <= i and j3 <= j): p[2]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i3 - i == j3 - j and i3 >= i and j3 >= j): p[3]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j3 == j and i3 >= i and j3 >= j): p[4]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i3 == i and i3 >= i and j3 >= j): p[5]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i - i3 == j3 - j and i3 <= i and j3 >= j): p[6]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i3 - i == j - j3 and i3 >= i and j3 <= j): p[7]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j - j3 == i - i3 and i3 <= i + 1 and i3 >= i - 3 and j3 <= j + 1 and j3 >= j - 3): p[8]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j == j3 and i3 <= i + 1 and i3 >= i - 3 and j3 <= j + 1 and j3 >= j - 3): p[9]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i == i3 and i3 <= i + 1 and i3 >= i - 3 and j3 <= j + 1 and j3 >= j - 3): p[10]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j - j3 == i - i3 and i3 >= i - 1 and i3 <= i + 3 and j3 >= j - 1 and j3 <= j + 3): p[11]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j == j3 and i3 >= i - 1 and i3 <= i + 3 and j3 >= j - 1 and j3 <= j + 3): p[12]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i == i3 and i3 >= i - 1 and i3 <= i + 3 and j3 >= j - 1 and j3 <= j + 3): p[13]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i - i3 == j3 - j and i3 <= i + 1 and i3 >= i - 3 and j3 >= j - 1 and j3 <= j + 3): p[14]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i3 - i == j - j3 and i3 >= i - 1 and i3 <= i + 3 and j3 <= j + 1 and j3 >= j - 3): p[15]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j - j3 == i - i3 and i3 <= i + 2 and i3 >= i - 2 and j3 <= j + 2 and j3 >= j - 2): p[16]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and j == j3 and i3 <= i + 2 and i3 >= i - 2 and j3 <= j + 2 and j3 >= j - 2): p[17]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i == i3 and i3 <= i + 2 and i3 >= i - 2 and j3 <= j + 2 and j3 >= j - 2): p[18]+=1 if (map[i3][j3] == k and i - i3 == j3 - j and i3 <= i + 2 and i3 >= i - 2 and j3 <= j + 2 and j3 >= j - 2): p[19]+=1 for b in range(20): if p[b]==5: return True return False #绘制提示器(类容,屏幕,字大小) def text(s,screen,x): #先把上一次的类容用一个矩形覆盖 pygame.draw.rect(screen,background,[850,100,1200,100]) #定义字体跟大小 s_font=pygame.font.Font('font.ttf',x) #定义类容,是否抗锯齿,颜色 s_text=s_font.render(s,True,button) #将字放在窗口指定位置 screen.blit(s_text,(880,100)) pygame.display.flip() #用于控制顺序 t=True #用于结束游戏后阻止落子 running=True #主函数 def main(): #将 t,map,running设置为可改的 global t,map,running,maps,r,h #将map置零 clear() #定义储存所有棋盘状态的列表(用于悔棋) map2=copy.deepcopy(map) maps=[map2] #定义窗口 screen = pygame.display.set_mode([1200,806]) #定义窗口名字 pygame.display.set_caption("五子棋") #在窗口画出棋盘,提示器以及按钮 Draw_a_chessboard(screen) pygame.display.flip() clock=pygame.time.Clock() while True: #只有running为真才能落子,主要用于游戏结束后防止再次落子 if running: if t: color=1 text('黑棋落子',screen,54) else: color=2 text('白棋落子',screen,54) for event in pygame.event.get(): #点击x则关闭窗口 if event.type ==pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() #点击窗口里面类容则完成相应指令 elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: x,y=event.pos[0],event.pos[1] for i in range(19): for j in range(19): #点击棋盘相应位置 if i*40+3+20