当SQL Server 引擎接收到用户发出的查询请求时,SQL Server执行优化器将查询请求(Request)和Task绑定,并为Task分配一个Workder,SQL Server申请操作系统的进程(Thread)来执行Worker。如果以并行的方式执行Request,SQL Server根据Max DOP(Maximum Degree Of Parallelism) 配置选项创建新的Child Tasks,SQL Server将Request和多个Task绑定;例如,如果Max DOP=8,那么将会存在 1个Master Task和 8 个Child Tasks。每个Task绑定到一个Worker中,SQL Server引擎将分配相应数量的Worker来执行Tasks。
使用 sys.dm_exec_requests 返回正在执行的查询请求(Request)关联的查询脚本,阻塞和资源消耗。
1,查看SQL Server正在执行的查询语句
sql_handle,statement_start_offset,statement_end_offset ,能够用于查看正在执行的查询语句;
字段 wait_type:如果Request正在被阻塞,字段wait_type 返回当前的Wait Type
字段 last_wait_type:上一次阻塞的Wait Type
字段 wait_resource:当前阻塞的Request正在等待的资源
字段 blocking_session_id :将当前Request阻塞的Session
字段 granted_query_memory: 授予内存的大小,Number of pages allocated to the execution of a query on the request
字段 cpu_time,total_elapsed_time :消耗的CPU时间和总的消耗时间
字段 reads,writes,logical_reads:物理Read,逻辑Write 和逻辑Read的次数
二,查看SQL Server 当前正在执行的SQL查询语句
在进行故障排除时,使用DMV:sys.dm_exec_requests 查看SQL Server当前正在执行的查询语句:
select r.session_id, r.blocking_session_id as blocking, r.wait_type as current_wait_type, r.wait_resource, r.last_wait_type, r.wait_time/1000 as wait_s, r.status, r.command, r.cpu_time,r.reads,r.writes,r.logical_reads, r.total_elapsed_time,r.start_time,r.database_id, substring( st.text, r.statement_start_offset/2+1, ( case when r.statement_end_offset = -1 then len(convert(nvarchar(max), st.text)) else (r.statement_end_offset - r.statement_start_offset)/2 end ) ) as individual_query --,db_name(r.database_id) as dbname,r.percent_complete,r.estimated_completion_time,r.granted_query_memoryfrom sys.dm_exec_requests router APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) as stwhere ((r.wait_type<>'MISCELLANEOUS' and r.wait_type <> 'DISPATCHER_QUEUE_SEMAPHORE' ) or r.wait_type is null) and r.session_id>50 and r.session_id<>@@spidorder by r.session_id asc
1,在故障排除时,可以过滤掉一些无用的wait type 和当前Session:
@@SPID 表示当前的spid,一般来说,SPID<=50是system session,SPID>50的是User Session;
WaitType 为'MISCELLANEOUS' 时,不用于标识任何有效的Wait,仅仅作为默认的Wait;
WaitType 为‘DISPATCHER_QUEUE_SEMAPHORE’时,表示当前的Thread在等待处理更多的Work,如果Wait Time增加,说明Thread调度器(Dispatcher)非常空闲;
关于WaitType ,请查看 The SQL Server Wait Type Repository;
sql_handle 字段表示当前查询语句的句柄(handle),将该字段传递给sys.dm_exec_sql_text函数,将获取Request执行的SQL语句,SQL Server对某些包含常量的查询语句自动参数化(“Auto-parameterized”),获取的SQL 查询语句格式如下,SQL Server在查询语句的开头增加参数声明:
(@P1 int,@P2 int,@P3 datetime2(7),@P4 datetime2(7))WITH CategoryIDs AS (SELECT B.CategoryID, .....
两个字段:stmt_start和stmt_end,用于标识参数声明的开始和结尾的位置,使用这两个字段,将参数声明剥离,返回SQL Server执行的查询语句。
字段 blocking_session_id :阻塞当前Request的Session,但排除0,-2,-3,-4 这四种ID值:
If this column is 0, the request is not blocked, or the session information of the blocking session is not available (or cannot be identified).
-2 = The blocking resource is owned by an orphaned distributed transaction.
-3 = The blocking resource is owned by a deferred recovery transaction.
-4 = Session ID of the blocking latch owner could not be determined at this time because of internal latch state transitions.
三,查看SQL Server实例中活动的Task
使用DMV:sys.dm_os_tasks 查看当前实例中活动的Task
1,字段 task_state,标识Task的状态
PENDING: Waiting for a worker thread.
RUNNABLE: Runnable, but waiting to receive a quantum.
RUNNING: Currently running on the scheduler.
SUSPENDED: Has a worker, but is waiting for an event.
DONE: Completed.
SPINLOOP: Stuck in a spinlock.
request_id :ID of the request of the task.
worker_address :Memory address of the worker that is running the task. NULL = Task is either waiting for a worker to be able to run, or the task has just finished running.
4, Task Hierarchy
task_address:Memory address of the object.
parent_task_address:Memory address of the task that is the parent of the object.
5,监控并发Request(Monitoring parallel requests)
For requests that are executed in parallel, you will see multiple rows for the same combination of (<session_id>, <request_id>).
SELECT session_id, request_id, task_state, pending_io_count, pending_io_byte_count, pending_io_byte_average, scheduler_id, context_switches_count, task_address, worker_address, parent_task_addressFROM sys.dm_os_tasksORDER BY session_id, request_id;
或利用 Task Hierarchy来查询
select tp.session_id, tp.task_state as ParentTaskState, tc.task_state as ChildTaskStatefrom sys.dm_os_tasks tpinner join sys.dm_os_tasks tc on tp.task_address=tc.parent_task_address
使用DMV:sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks 查看系统中正在等待资源的Task
waiting_task_address: Task that is waiting for this resouce.
blocking_task_address:Task that is currently holding this resource
resource_description: Description of the resource that is being consumed. 参考sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks (Transact-SQL)
在对阻塞进行故障排除时,查看Block 和 争用的资源:
select wt.waiting_task_address, wt.session_id, --Wait and Resource wt.wait_duration_ms, wt.wait_type, wt.resource_address, wt.resource_description, wt.blocking_task_address, wt.blocking_session_idfrom sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks wt
五,使用dbcc inputbuffer(spid)获取spid最后一次执行的SQL语句
dbcc inputbuffer(spid)
引用《How to isolate the current running commands in SQL Server》,该文章描述了如何分离Request执行的查询语句:
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